Sponzorujeme Evžena!

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V tombole, která obohatila program letní OFIŽ bečky, jste mohli hlasovat o zvířeti, které výtěžkem podpoříme. Letošním podpořeným zvířetem je výr velký Evžen ze Záchranné stanice Lipec, v hlasování získal 96 hlasů. Částka vybraná navíc zbyde pro lišku Elišku (56 … Read More

Unveiling vertebrate development dynamics in Xenopus laevis using micro-CT imaging

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Findings This study utilized micro–computed tomography (micro-CT), a noninvasive 3-dimensional (3D) imaging technique with micrometer-scale resolution, to explore the developmental dynamics and morphological changes in Xenopus laevis. Our approach involved generating high-resolution images and computed 3D models of developing Xenopus … Read More

Characterization of Aspergillus fumigatus secretome during sublethal infection of Galleria mellonella larvae

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Introduction: The fungal pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus can induce prolonged colonization of the lungs of susceptible patients, resulting in conditions such as allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis and chronic pulmonary aspergillosis. Hypothesis: Analysis of the A. fumigatus secretome released during sub-lethal infection of … Read More

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