Phytochemical S-methyl-L-cysteine sulfoxide from Brassicaceae: a key to health or a poison for bees?

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Abstract: Intensive agricultural practices impact the health and nutrition of pollinators like honey bees (Apis mellifera). Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) is widely cultivated, providing diverse nutrients and phytochemicals, including S-methyl-L-cysteine sulfoxide (SMCSO). While the nutritional impact of rapeseed on bees … Read More

Dvě nové doktorky

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V pátek 6. 12. proběhly na našem oddělení dvě obhajoby dizertačních prací z programu Fyziologie, imunologie a vývojová biologie živočichů. Obě studentky pracovaly na svých tématech v laboratoři doc. Pavla Hyršla. Sara Šreibr se věnovala exkretovaným/sekretovaným produktům entomopatogenních hlístic (zde), … Read More

Linking planar polarity signalling to actomyosin contractility during vertebrate neurulation

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Abstract Actomyosin contractility represents an ancient feature of eukaryotic cells participating in many developmental and homeostasis events, including tissue morphogenesis, muscle contraction and cell migration, with dysregulation implicated in various pathological conditions, such as cancer. At the molecular level, actomyosin … Read More

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