(grant 20-00987Y GAČR; doba řešení: 2020-2022; hlavní řešitel: J. Škoda)
Archiv aktualit
Naše nová publikace
Veselska R et al.: Comparative Analysis of Putative Prognostic and Predictive Markers in Neuroblastomas: High Expression of PBX1 Is Associated with a Poor Response to Induction Therapy. Frontiers in Oncology 9, Art. No. 1221, 2019.
Naše nová publikace
Neradil J et al.: Phospho-Protein Arrays as Effective Tools for Screening Possible Targets for Kinase Inhibitors and Their Use in Precision Pediatric Oncology. Frontiers in Oncology 9, Art. No. 930, 2019.
Sisa se vdala!
Dne 8. 6 . 2019 byli v Liptovskom Jáne oddáni Silvia Chovanová a Michal Paukovček.
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Naše nová publikace
Dobrotkova V et al.: Prediction of neuroblastoma cell response to treatment with natural or synthetic retinoids using selected protein biomarkers. PLoS ONE 14, Art. No. e0218269, 2019.
Nová publikace ve spolupráci s Universidade do Porto
Gomes S et al.: New inhibitor of the TAp73 interaction with MDM2 and mutant p53 with promising antitumor activity against neuroblastoma. Cancer Letters 446, 90-102, 2019.
Naše nová publikace
Skoda J et al.: Pharmacological targeting of mitochondria in cancer stem cells: An ancient organelle at the crossroad of novel anti-cancer therapies. Pharmacological Research 139, 298-313, 2019.
Naše nová publikace
Dobrotkova V et al.: Traffic lights for retinoids in oncology: molecular markers of retinoid resistance and sensitivity and their use in the management of cancer differentiation therapy. BMC Cancer 18, Art. No. 1059, 2018.
Naše nová publikace
Sramek M et al.: Effects of sunitinib and other kinase inhibitors on cells harboring a PDGFRB mutation associated with infantile myofibromatosis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 19, Art. No. E2599, 2018.
Vierka se vdala!
Dne 11. 8. 2018 byli v Považskej Bystrici oddáni Viera Sláviková a Matúš Dobrotka.
Přejeme hodně štěstí!