|  Newsletter 3/2024
28 May 2024, 15:03

Friendly Reminder: ASEV-CzeSEV Meeting in September – Abstract Submission Open Until May 31st

We're excited to invite you to the ASEV-CzeSEV meeting in Vienna this September. It's a unique chance to introduce your research and connect with experts from neighboring countries. As a member of CzeSEV, student attendees can enjoy the conference free of charge. Remember to sign up for the hands-on workshop on flow cytometric analysis hosted by Beckman Coulter on September 18th.

Highlights from ISEV 2024 in Melbourne

This year ISEV meeting was held in Melbourne, Australia on May 8-12 with the main message of Discover & Innovate & Understand. The meeting was kicked-off with an Education Day where world-renowned EV scientists educated the audience about the current EV isolation and characterization techniques. The newly elected president of ISEV Kenneth W. Witwer pointed out the importance to being “your own advocate for EVs” and shifting our research methods from “what I want this EV to do” to “what this EV actually does.”

The satellite sessions of ISEV also included a meeting of the global national societies (GNEV) where CzeSEV was introduced to the community. CzeSEV was presented on site by its board member Andrea Galisova and the joint meeting of ASEV-CzeSEV in Vienna was announced. GNEV meeting discussed a common database of EV resources worldwide and an initiative of joint regional meetings. Finally, the next meeting in Vienna in April 2025 was announced by a song of Falco... more


Report: Visit of Prof. Randy Schekman in Brno

On 18th April Nobel Prize laureate Prof. Randy W. Schekman delivered an enlightening Mendel lecture titled "Intercellular Transfer of Proteins and RNA" at Mendel's Refectory in the Mendel Museum Brno.

Prof. Schekman's visit at Masaryk University included a rich program of activities. He participated in a stimulating discussion with scientists, enjoyed a lunch with students and visited Vila Tugendhat. Prof. Schekman's schedule continued in Prague, where he participated in further academic and cultural activities.

CzeSEV has been funded and all administrative steps have been successfully completed.

We are delighted to announce that CzeSEV is now officially established.

Considering joining CzeSEV? Here are some of the benefits:

  • Enjoy discounts on conference and meeting fees organized by CzeSEV.
  • Gain voting rights at the General Assembly.
  • Showcase your group on websites.
  • Advertise events you organize and job offers
  • Highlight events you've attended and share news in the newsletter.
  • Engage in disseminating knowledge on EVs and networking.
  • Be eligible to apply for the MOVE fellowship.

For more updates, details on membership benefits, and membership fees, please visit the "Membership" section on the CzeSEV website. Thank you to all members who have already paid the membership fee.

CzeSEV board introduction

Vendula Hlaváčková Pospíchalová

Vendula Hlavackova Pospichalova is the President of the CzeSEV and a pioneer of EV research in Czechia. Her interest in EVs began in 2013 with the study of how hydrophobic Wnt ligands use EVs as carriers in ascites. She has focused on developing methods for isolating and analyzing EVs, aiming to understand the progression of ovarian cancer and identify new biomarkers. Vendula promotes scientific collaboration through conferences and enjoys mentoring young scientists.


Gabriela Ambrožová


Gabriela Ambrozova (CzeSEV Vice President) is absolvent of Masaryk University, Brno. She is the leader of the research group on Intercellular Communication at the Institute of Biophysics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, v.v.i., which is focused on researching extracellular vesicles of prokaryotic and eukaryotic origin in the context of inflammation-related diseases.


Kristýna Turková

Kristyna Turkova, Vice President of CzeSEV, is a graduate of Masaryk University and Brno University of Technology. She is currently a junior researcher in Dr. Ambrozova's group at the Institute of Biophysics, Czech Academy of Sciences. As a microbiology enthusiast, Kristyna focuses on studying how bacterial EVs derived from the microbiota affect the functional properties of recipient immune host cells.


Jan Balvan

Jan's research focuses on the role of phosphatidylserine-positive EVs in the microenvironment of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma in relation to cellular stress, cell death processes and autophagy. He is currently a postdoctoral fellow in the team of Prof. Masarik at the Faculty of Medicine at Masaryk University.


Andrea Gálisová

Andrea Gálisová is an MRI researcher at the Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine (IKEM) in Prague, where she is leading a small sub-group focused on genetic engineering of extracellular vesicles for targeted, image-guided therapeutics (e.g. for cancer). During her PhD studies, she worked on development of nanotherapeutics under imaging supervision. Andrea then moved to the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel for her post-doc, where she first encountered the world of EVs and became intrigued by their versatility and potential applications in imaging.




Martina Hýžďalová

Martina Hýžďalová is a junior researcher at the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology at the Veterinary Research Institute in Brno. She began working with EVs in 2019 on a project investigating their role in the chemically induced transformation of human bronchial epithelial cells. Her research group was particularly interested in the changes in sphingolipid/ glycosphingolipid metabolism in EVs released at different stages of cellular transformation. Currently, they are comparing changes in EVs isolated from blood serum and tumor tissue samples of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients with those from normal lung tissue samples to identify potential biomarkers for NSCLC.

They wrote about us...

Nádory pod drobnohledem aneb co (ne)víte o extracelulárních vezikulech?

28.5. 2024 Medical Tribune

Určitá kontroverze spojená s extracelulárními vezikuly je dána mimo jiné trochu překotným vývojem v oboru. Řada lidí měla příliš vysoká očekávání, která se opírala o v minulosti nepříliš standardizované experimenty..... (more)

Multimodal Microscopy Workshop

CEITEC, Masaryk University (MU), Brno, announces the forthcoming Multimodal Microscopy Workshop, slated for June 10th to 12th, 2024.

The workshop promises an immersive exploration into the realms of structure, mechanics, and chemistry within biological systems. With a focus on integrating cutting-edge techniques, including Atomic Force Microscopy, Raman Microscopy, and Fluorescence Microscopy, attendees will delve deep into the intricate layers of biological samples.

Please register via the registration form.

MOVE European Mobility Fellowship: CzeSEV Participation

The MOVE (MObility for Vesicles research in Europe) Fellowship enables early-stage scientists to work in labs across Europe, fostering collaboration and skill development. This year, CzeSEV is participating with two host labs. CzeSEV members are encouraged to plan their applications for the next call and inform the CzeSEV board. Eligible applicants include technicians, PhD students, and early-stage postdocs (≤ five years). Applicants must be members of their national EV society or network.

More info can be found here.

Prepare now to take advantage of this excellent opportunity next years!

2nd MOVE Symposium in Belgrade

Following the success of last year's symposium in Malaga, Spain, we are thrilled to announce the 2nd MOVE Symposium:

Date: 08-11 October 2024
Location: Belgrade, Serbia

This event is led by ASEV (Austria), BSEV (Baltic), EVIta (Italy), FSEV (France), GEIVEX (Spain), GSEV (Germany), UKEV (UK), and SrbEVs (Serbia).

We expect a large turnout from EV research groups across Europe. The symposium will feature renowned international speakers, ensuring high-quality lectures and discussions.

More information can be found on the conference website and on social media.

Calling all CzeSEV Members! Do you have exciting ideas or insights about extracellular vesicles that you'd like to share with fellow enthusiasts? Let us know! Your contributions can be featured and spread through our newsletter and website!

Connect and Engage: Join Us on Social Media

To stay informed about the latest actions and developments in EV field, we encourage you to connect with us on social media platforms.

Instagram Facebook X LinkedIn

Newsletter was prepared by Kristyna Turkova and edited by the CzeSEV board.


© 2024
Masaryk University