Other numbers: ATCC 842, CCUG 7426, CIP 66.22, DSM 36, IFO 15309, JCM 2507, LMD 24.16, NCDO 1774, NCIMB 8158, NCTC 10343, N.R. Smith 1105. Taxonomic status: Type strain. History: < BÚ ÈSAV (Bacillus polymyxa) < NCIB < ATCC < A.J. Kluyver. Additional information: Type (6791); description (5989); Type of Bacillus polymyxa (4895). Control strain for Biolog GEN III microbial identification system. Polysaccharide synthesis (460). Cultivation conditions: Medium 14, 30°C.
Other numbers: ATCC 10401, CCTM La 2862, CIP 73.07, NCDO 731, NCIMB 8094, N.R. Smith 2010. History: < BÚ ÈSAV (Bacillus polymyxa) < NCIB < ATCC < American Cyanamid Co. < N.R. Smith. Additional information: Production of polymyxin. Cultivation conditions: Medium 14, 30°C.
Other numbers: ATCC 8523, CIP A45, DSM 356, LMG 6321, N.R. Smith 354. History: < BÚ ÈSAV (Bacillus polymyxa) < VŠCHT < ATCC < E.B. Tilden < N.R. Smith < E. McCoy. Cultivation conditions: Medium 14, 30°C.
Other numbers: DSM 292, LMG 6320, NCDO 1142, H. Proom CN 1417. History: < H. Proom (Bacillus polymyxa). Cultivation conditions: Medium 14, 30°C.
Other numbers: CCTM La 2863, NCIMB 8527, NRC C67, NRRL B-369. History: < BÚ ÈSAV (Bacillus polymyxa) < NCIB < NRC. Additional information: Production of polymyxin (1376). Cultivation conditions: Medium 14, 30°C.
Other numbers: CN 1984, NCIMB 8228. History: < BÚ ÈSAV (Bacillus polymyxa) < NCIB < H.J. Parish. Additional information: Production of polymyxin A (1271). Immune reactions (6758). Cultivation conditions: Medium 14, 30°C.