Other numbers: ATCC 19256, CIP 102422, DSM 20202, JCM 6123, LMG 8894, NCDO 533, NCIMB 13091, NRRL B-3468, T. Gibson L5. Taxonomic status: Type strain. History: < NCFB < T. Gibson. Isolated from: Milk. Additional information: Type (4895). Cultivation conditions: Medium 6, 30°C.
Other numbers: D. Burgetová V472. History: < D. Burgetová. Isolated from: Catheter sepsis of patient with burns; Czech Republic, Brno. Cultivation conditions: Medium 6, 30°C.
Other numbers: LMG 23107, A. Ševčíková 7360. History: < P. Švec < A. Ševčíková. Isolated from: Hemoculture; Czech Republic, Brno. Cultivation conditions: Medium 6, 30°C.