Other numbers: ATCC 8086, IFO 3349, NCDO 551, NCDO 530, NCIMB 8029, NRRL B-640, NRRL B-1144, OUT 8250, C.S. Pederson 22. History: < NCDO (Leuconostoc dextranicum) < C.S. Pederson. Isolated from: Fermenting string beans. Additional information: Production of dextran (912). Description (5750). Cultivation conditions: Medium 6, 30°C.
Other numbers: ATCC 19255, CCUG 21966, CECT 912, CIP 102423, DSM 20484, JCM 9700, LMG 6908, NCDO 529, NCIMB 12007, NRRL B-3469. Taxonomic status: Type strain. History: < NCDO < S. Orla-Jensen. Additional information: Type (5194). Cultivation conditions: Medium 6, 30°C.
Other numbers: LMG 11318, NCDO 516, NCDO 812, NCIMB 8189, NRC 499, NRLL B-64, B.W. Hammer 146. History: < NCIB (Leuconostoc citrovorum) < ATCC < B.W. Hammer. Additional information: Class B dextran producer (912). Cultivation conditions: Medium 6, 30°C.
Other numbers: DMAC 10135. History: < S. Lindgren, DMAC (Leuconostoc dextranicum). Isolated from: Fish silage; Sweden. Additional information: Production of alpha-amylase (5451). Cultivation conditions: Medium 6, 30°C.
Other numbers: DMAC 10137. History: < S. Lindgren, DMAC (Leuconostoc dextranicum). Isolated from: Fish silage; Sweden. Additional information: Production of alpha-amylase (5451). Microaerophilic. Cultivation conditions: Medium 6, 30°C.