Other numbers: NRL/St 19/737. History: < P. Petráš, NRL Prague 2019 < Dr. Jan Kubele, OKM Nemocnice na Homolce. Isolated from: Swab of surgical wound (pus), 31 years old man; Czech Republic, Prague. Additional information: Description (7777). Biohazard group 2. Sequence numbers: WGS: JALGRI000000000. Cultivation conditions: Medium 71, 37°C.
Other numbers: DSM 111349, LMG 31872, NRL/St 16/872, 4776 Karlovy Vary. Taxonomic status: Type strain. History: < P. Petráš < Blanka Puchálková, OKM Hospital Karlovy Vary. Isolated from: Swab of ear (otitis media), 3 years old boy; Czech Republic, Cheb. Additional information: Type (7777), validation (7798). Biohazard group 2. Sequence numbers: WGS: CP119327, WGS plasmid: CP119331, 16S rRNA: OQ401401. Cultivation conditions: Medium 71, 37°C.