Other numbers: NCIMB 11899, T.F. Brocklehurst BL 79/20. History: < T.F. Brocklehurst. Isolated from: Soil (vegetable-growing site). Additional information: Psychrotrophic (5172). Spoilage of potatoes in long-term storage at low temperatures (5172). Pectolytic. Cultivation conditions: Medium 132 or 41, 10-15°C, anaerobic, liquid.
Other numbers: NCIMB 11900, T.F. Brockelhurst BL 79/21. History: < T.F. Brocklehurst. Isolated from: Soil (vegetable-growing site). Additional information: Psychrotrophic (5172). Spoilage of potatoes in long-term storage at low temperatures (5172). Pectolytic. Cultivation conditions: Medium 41, 10-15°C, anaerobic or 132.