Other numbers: P. Oeding 4036. History: < P. Oeding (Baird-Parker Micrococcus subgroup 1). Isolated from: Urine. Additional information: Based on SDS-PAGE and ribotyping. Biohazard group 2. Cultivation conditions: Medium 71, 37°C.
Other numbers: NRL CEM 98/51, M. Votava 36066. History: < P. Petráš, NRL CEM < M. Votava. Isolated from: Hemoculture; Czech Republic, Brno. Additional information: Production of slightly delta-hemolysin. Storng slime production. Multiresistant. Cultivation conditions: Medium 71, 37°C.
Other numbers: NRL CEM 98/789, J. Drozenová 333. History: < P. Petráš, NRL CEM < J. Drozenová. Isolated from: Hemoculture; Czech Republic, Praha. Additional information: Production of delta-hemolysin (strong). Strong slime production. Multiresistant. Cultivation conditions: Medium 71, 37°C.
Other numbers: ATCC 700236, CCUG 42399, CIP 105719, strain R22. Taxonomic status: Type strain. History: < CCUG < CIP < C.G. George < W. Kloos. Isolated from: Human blood; USA. Additional information: Type (6332). PCR identification (6754). Biohazard group 2. Cultivation conditions: Medium 71, 37°C.