Chipotle Lime Mustard

At some juncture we ran into a local specialty mustard made with the characteristic southwestern flavors of roasted garlic, lime and the smoky heat of chipotle chili. We thought we ought to be able to make an even better version ourselves, and using other mustard recipes as a guide, we invented the following. We’re quite happy with it. Remember that the alcohol in the soaking liquid – tequila in this case – is cooked out in the process of thickening the mustard over the double boiler, leaving behind only its peppery-floral flavor which really brings out the southwestern character of this mustard. We hope that you enjoy it as much as we do.
½ cup mustard powder
2 tablespoons yellow mustard seeds
2 tablespoons brown mustard seeds
1/3 cup water
1/3 cup tequila
1/3 cup key lime juice
1/3 cup white wine vinegar
2 heads garlic, baked, with garlic pulp removed and mashed
2 teaspoons allspice, ground
1 teaspoon black pepper, ground
1 teaspoon cumin, ground
1 tablespoon chipotle chili powder
1 teaspoon salt
Lime oil to taste
Mix mustard powder and seed with water and tequila. Cover and let stand for 3 hours.
Combine soaked mustard seeds and powder with lime juice, white wine vinegar, roasted garlic pulp, allspice, black pepper, cumin, chipotle chili, and salt. Process in a blender until a moderately coarse paste is achieved. Place mixture in double boiler and gently steam until thickened to desired consistency, as shown in the Dijon Mustard recipe. Remove from heat and taste. If the lime flavor is a bit lacking, add in a few drops of lime oil.
Let cool, put into a glass container, cap, and let mature for 4-5 days in the refrigerator.
You'll want to use a garlic that is good for baking, like Shvelisi or Siberian. Remember that chipotle chilies are dried, smoked, and ground jalapeños. While it could be produced at home, you're just as well to purchase this in powder form from your local Hispanic grocery or from any number of on-line vendors.