Marinated Roasted Red Peppers

This is our favorite way to put up bell peppers for use over the year. We wait until the main crop is coming in during the summer, and then roast up a large batch and make it in gallon-sized quantities (which is shown above). We give below directions for a quart-sized batch, adapted from one presented in James McNair’s 1980 Adventures in Italian Cooking (ISBN 978-0917102899).
6-8 bell peppers
4 garlic cloves, peeled and sliced
1 tablespoon fresh oregano, minced – or 1 teaspoon dry oregano, crumbled
2 tablespoons capers (optional)
¼ cup white wine vinegar
1 teaspoon salt
Roast the peppers until the skins are charred all over. Place in a plastic bag and let steam for 15 minutes. Wash off skins. Cut each pepper into 4 slices, removing the seeds and stem.


Mix together the vinegar and salt.
Place a layer of red pepper strips into the bottom of a clean quart jar. Place sliced garlic, oregano, and optional capers over this, and cover with another layer of pepper slices. Repeat layering pepper and seasoning until the jar is almost filled. Top off the jar with the olive oil and vinegar mixture. Cover jar and tap to disperse any air bubbles.
Place in the refrigerator. Let sit for at least a day. Serve at room temperature.