Pickled Okra

Pickled okra is an iconic southern preserve. There is no reason to not make your own from home-grown okra. The following foolproof recipe is adapted from one presented in Helen Witty and Elizabeth Schneider Colchie’s 1979 Better Than Store Bought (ISBN 978-0060146931). Be sure to use young okra pods no more than a few days old, as they become stringy rather quickly and the pickles will not be nearly as good as a result.
2 pounds young okra pods
4 small dry hot pepper pods
4 garlic cloves, each cut in half
4 sprigs fresh dill, or 2 teaspoons dry dill leaf
4 teaspoons yellow mustard seed
2 cups cider vinegar
2 cups rice vinegar
2 cups water
a scant 1/3 cup of kosher or pickling salt
Wash okra and remove any darkened tips. Cut off most, but not all, of the bottom stem, being sure to not cut into the pod. Tightly pack the okra pods upright into 4 pint jars. Insert a chili pod, 2 garlic halves and a dill sprig along the sides of each packed pint. Measure 1 teaspoon of mustard seed into each.
Bring the vinegars and salt to a full boil. Fill the jars with the hot brine to within ½” of the rims. Wipe the rims and seal with prepared lids and bands. Cover filled pints with 2” of water in a large stock pot, using extra metal rims or something else to keep the jars from touching the pot bottom. Bring to a boil and process for 5 minutes. Remove from hot water bath. Allow the pickles to mellow in a cool, dark place for a month before serving.