
Satellite tagging and seasonal distribution of harp seal (juveniles) of the white sea-Barents sea stock

Authors Name:   

Vladislav Nikolaevich Svetochev, Nikolay Nikolaevich Kavtsevich, Olga Nagimovna Svetocheva

Journal: Czech Polar Reports
Issue: 6
Volume: 1
Page Range: 31-42
No. of Pages: 12
Year: 2016


Publishers: muniPress Masaryk University Brno
ISSN:    1805-0689 (Print), 1805-0697 (On-line)
Language: English

Harp seal pups (4 ind.) were caught and marked with satellite telemetry transmitters (STT) in the White Sea in March-April 2010, the average tenure of STT was 226 ± 51.7 (103.6) days. In April the seals on the growth stage of "beater" left the White Sea on the drifting ice. In the Barents Sea the seals migrated north through the eastern part of the Barents Sea. Seals came to the northernmost point of their migration route, i.e. edge of the pack ice in the August – October period. One seal came out to the Greenland Sea. Seals’ return migration was in winter along the Novaya Zemlya to the south-eastern part of the Barents Sea. Result data of marking showed harp seal juveniles during the first seasonal migration may leave the traditional feeding areas, and during the return migration may not come to molt to the White Sea. According to satellite telemetry data the Czech Bay (Barents Sea) can be one of the molt areas of harp seal juveniles.

Keywords: migration routes, harp seal, white-sea population, pups


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