Free doctoral (PhD) topics

Vliv silnic na aktivitu netopýrů a ptáků a efekt mitigačních opatření na jejich populace / The effect of roads on bat and bird activity and the effect of mitigation measures on their populations

More than 10% of bird and bat populations die on the roads every year. In places where the migration corridors of these vertebrates are crossed by transport infrastructure, protective walls are the only solution to reduce direct mortality. Defining the areas where protective walls should be installed, as well as testing their type, is key to maintaining the permeability of the landscape. Flying vertebrates follow linear elements, riparian vegetation and windbreaks as they move through the landscape. An ongoing bilateral project allows the study of German sites where different types of protective walls have been installed. The student should observe the behavioural changes during crossings of different types of walls and define the environmental factors that are related to sites of high mortality. Outputs should provide evidence of their effectiveness in reducing direct mortality and define the optimal wall design.

If interested, please contact Tomáš Bartonička –, University Campus Bohunice: A32/308

Vliv pesticidů na populace letounů, vertikální přenos, rozdíly v zátěži potravy mezi loveckými strategiemi / Effects of pesticides on bat populations, vertical transfer, differences in chemical contamination of prey between foraging strategies

The effects of pesticides are well known, but comprehensive information on the effects of these substances on non-target taxa usually needs to be improved. Previous studies have shown high levels of organochlorine insecticides in bat carcasses, bat brains and guano. The student will investigate how pesticides accumulate in different tissues.  Whether they are in similar concentrations in different organs, or whether it is more appropriate to sample only certain parts of the body to determine the risks posed by pesticides.  A feasible option is to compare pesticide concentrations in adipose tissues of bats and terrestrial insectivores such as hedgehogs. Determination of concentrations in different adipose tissues may explain tolerance to high concentrations of pesticides. Vertical transfer between mother and offspring is most likely for DDT metabolites, but the student will also look at transfer of other pesticides used to date.  Student will also investigate the different habitats exposed to pesticides and the interactions between different arthropod groups in terms of the amount of pesticide assimilated by them. A further aim will be to compare the chemical burden load of bats using different ecological niches and different foraging strategies.

If interested, please contact Tomáš Bartonička –, University Campus Bohunice: A32/308

Note: You can also contact any member from Vertebrate Research Group and discuss other possibilities regarding the topics of master’s theses matching your research interests.