Spatial and Temporal Biodiversity
Dynamics in Ecosystems of Central Europe
MSM 143100010 (formerly CEZ: J07/98:143100010) - VZ MU 0429
Coordinator: J. Vạhara (Department of Zoology
and Ecology)
Key words: Algae; Aquatic ecosystems; Biodiversity; Biosystematics; Communities;
Ecology; Higher plants; Host parasite systems; Hydrobiology; Insects; Modelling;
Monitoring; Pollinators; Population; Small mammals; Spirochaetes; Terrestrial ecosystems;
Analysis and monitoring of spatial and temporal biodiversity dynamics of
populations and communities of higher plants, terrestrial and aquatic animals, including
interactions and transmission of their parasites in Central European ecosystems.
- Research on the variation and microevolution in populations of higher
plants, particularly by PCR methods, of the variation patterns in plant populations and
communities on the landscape level, and creation of formalized systems of vegetation
- Biosystematic studies of terrestrial insects and their most important
ecological groups with regard to pollinators.
- Research on biodiversity of lotic ecosystems, especially interactions
between populations, communities and state of the environment.
- Vertebrates and their parasites: diversity of small mammal populations
and communities including their interactions with haematophagous arthropods transmitting
spirochaetes; fish parasite populations and communities, analysis of parasite-host