PUBLIKACE - MSM 143300003

Články v časopisech:

Contributions in journals:

DROBNÁ, J. Ptáček V., 2001: Genetic resources conservation in some forage legumes using bumblebee (Bombus terrestris) Acta Horticult., 561: 211-213.

DROBNÁ J., PTÁČEK V., 2003: Experience with using bumblebees as pollinators in the regeneration of the genetic resources of some forage legumes. J. Apicult. Sci., 47 (1) 31-36.

Ptáček V., PERNOVÁ E., BOROVEC R., 2000: The two-queen cascade method as an alternative technique for starting bumble bee (Bombus, Hymenoptera, Apidae) colonies in laboratory (Preliminary study). Pszczel. Zesz. Nauk., 44, (2): 305-309

Ptáček V., Rotrekl J., 2001a: Landscape pollination management of Rhophitoides canus Ev., (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Halictidae) in seed production of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). Acta Horticulturae (561): 153-157

Ptáček V., 2001: Some biological aspects of bumble bee (Bombus, Hymenoptera) management. Acta Horticulturae, (561): 279-286.

Ptáček V., 2002: Čmeláci. Přehled hojnějších druhů a jejich rozlišovacích znaků. Včelařství, Praha: Český svaz včelařů, 55 (136), 3, pp. 57-59.

Ptáček V., 2002: Chov čmeláků v úlcích na venkovních stanovištích. Včelařství, Praha: Český svaz včelařů, 55 (136), 2, pp. 33-35.

PTÁČEK V., 2003: Deliberate production of young queens in Bombus terrestris L. (Hymenoptera Apoidea) colonies reared in laboratory. J. Apicult. Sci., 47 (1): 67-71.

Ptáček V., 2003: Renovation of J. G. Mendel’s apiary. J. Apicult. Sci., 47(1) : 109-111.

Ptáček V., 2003: Čmeláci pro opylování v izolovaných prostorech. Zahradnictví, Praha: 2003, 12, 14-19. 2003.


Referáty na konferencích:

Drobná J. & Ptáček V., 2002: The experience using bumblebees as pollinators in regeneration of some forage legumes genetic resources. In: Sallus Apis mellifera - 2nd Europ. Scient. Confer. Godollo, : KÁTKI, 52-53.

Drobná J. & Ptáček V., 2002: The experience with using bumblebees as pollinators in regeneration of some forage legumes genetic resources. 2nd European Scientific Apicultural Conference, Balatonlelle, Hungary, September 11-13, p. 52-53.

Ptáček V., 1999: Different bee species for pollination in enclosures. Specialists’ Meeting on Insect Pollination in Greenhouses, Apimondia, ICPPR, FAO, Soesterberg, Netherlands, September 30 - October 2.

Ptáček V., 1999: Obtaining and over wintering young bumble bee (Hymenoptera, Bombinae) queens. Specialists’ Meeting on Insect Pollination in Greenhouses, Apimondia, ICPPR, FAO, Soesterberg, Netherlands, September 30 -October 2.

Ptáček V., 2000: Some biological aspects of bumble bee (Bombus, Hymenoptera) management. In: The 8th Symposium on Pollination, PICPBR, ISHS, West Hungarian Univ., Fac. Sci., Mosonmagyaróvár, Hungary, July 10-14, 2000.

Ptáček V. & Rotrekl J., 2000: Landscape pollination management of Rhophitoides canus Ev. (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Halictidae) in seed production of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). In: The 8th Symposium on Pollination, PICPBR, ISHS, West Hungarian Univ., Fac., Sci., Mosonmagyaróvár, Hungary, July 10-14.

Ptáček V., 2002: Affecting young queen production in Bombus terrestris L. (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) colonies reared in laboatory. 2nd European Scientific Apicultural Conference, Balatonlelle, Hungary, September 11-13, p. 68.

Ptáček V., 2002: Different food for Bombus terrestris L. (Hymenoptera, Apidea). 2nd European Scientific Apicultural Conference, Balatonlelle, Hungary, September 11-13, p. 69.

Ptáček V., 2002: The basic equipment for rearing bumble bees (Hymenoptera, Bombus) in laboratory (A picture series.). 2nd European Scientific Apicultural Conference, Balatonlelle, Hungary, September 11-13, p. 71.

Ptáček V., 2003: Keeping bumble bees for science, education and profit. – 38th APIMONDIA Int. Apicult. Congr. Ljubljana Slovenia, August 24-29, 2003., Final Program and Book of Abstracts, p 314


Publikace ve sbornících z konferencí typu monografie

         Ptáček V. 2000: Obtaining and overwintering young bumble bee (Hynenoptera, Bombinae) queens. In: Insect pollination in greenhouses. Proceedings of the specialist's meeting held in Soesterbeg, The Netherlands, September 30 - October 2, 1999. Utrecht, The Netherlands: Apimondia, ICPBR-Pollination Section 2000, p. 55-57.

Ptáček V. 2000: Different bee species for pollination in enclosure. In: Insect pollination in greenhouses. Proceedings of the specialist's meeting held in Soesterbeg, The Netherlands, September 30-October 2, 1999. Utrecht, The Netherlands: Apimondia, ICPBR-Pollination Section 2000, p. 133-137.


Kapitola v knize

Ptáček V. 2003: Čmeláci a včely samotářky. In Včelařství. Druhé vydání. Praha  Nakladetelství Brázda s.r.o., Praha, 174-177.