Dept. of Botany                           JUICE web page                                                     Working group for vegetation science


Restoration of limestone quarries

My interest for reclamation of limestone quarries started in 1998 when the mining company Ceskomoravsky cement a. s. finished exploitation of limestone quarry Hady near Brno. This area is very famous botanical and zoological locality for many thermophilous Pannonian species. More informations about this locality you can find here.

Realised reclamation respected natural importance of the locality and increased a number of nationally endangered species occurring in the area of the quarry. Results were published e. g. here.

From the year 2000 we established non-government organisation Land Trust Hády, which try to protect all area of Hády southern slope, manage vegetation cover (alien removal, support of thermophilous species dispersal etc.) and popularise the importance of this locality and its biodiversity.

Organisations REZEKVITEK and LAND TRUST HÁDY have cooperated on reclamations of limestone quarries Hády, Mokrá and Cebínka near Brno and coal slime pit near Oslavany. 

Ruzenin lom quarry 5 years after technical reclamation

voluntary workers

seeds of thermophilous species

An international excursion of vegetation scientists (2003)